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Migrating between versions


These docs are for the not-yet-released v6.
For v5 docs see

Upgrading from v5 to v6

  1. If you've set up something custom with Advanced > Widgets and key bindings make sure you've migrated off deprecated functions.

    • Instead of abbr-expand-and-space use abbr-expand-and-insert
  2. If you customized the v5-deprecated ABBR_PRECMD_LOGS, you can delete that - the feature it relates to has been dropped.

  3. If you're using any undocumented internal zsh-abbr functions deprecated in v5, you'll have to come up with something else.

    See the full list

    These internal values were dropped:


    These internal functions were dropped:

    • _abbr_add_widgets
    • _abbr_bind_widgets
    • _abbr_deprecations
    • _abbr_integrations
    • _abbr_precmd
    • _abbr:util_deprecated

    These internal functions deprecated are now internal only:

    • _abbr_init
    • _abbr_warn_deprecation
    • _abbr:add
    • _abbr:clear_session
    • _abbr:erase
    • _abbr:expand
    • _abbr:expansion
    • _abbr:export_aliases
    • _abbr:git
    • _abbr:import_aliases
    • _abbr:import_fish
    • _abbr:import_git_aliases
    • _abbr:list
    • _abbr:list_abbreviations
    • _abbr:list_commands
    • _abbr:print_version
    • _abbr:profile
    • _abbr:rename
    • _abbr:util_add
    • _abbr:util_alias
    • _abbr:util_bad_options
    • _abbr:util_check_command
    • _abbr:util_error
    • _abbr:util_import_alias
    • _abbr:util_list
    • _abbr:util_list_item
    • _abbr:util_log_unless_quiet
    • _abbr:util_log_unless_quieter
    • _abbr:util_print
    • _abbr:util_set_once
    • _abbr:util_set_to_typed_scope
    • _abbr:util_sync_user
    • _abbr:util_usage
    • _abbr:util_warn
  4. Install the latest zsh-abbr following the instructions at Installation.

  5. If you use zsh-syntax-highlighting to highlight abbreviations, use the new snippets at Reference > Advanced > Syntax highlighting.

Downgrading from v6 to v5

  1. Update the config: @TODO
  2. Install v5.x
    • Plugin manager: use your manager to install zsh-abbr from branch v5.
    • Homebrew: install v4
      brew uninstall --force zsh-abbr && brew install olets/tap/zsh-abbr@5
      and follow the post-install instructions logged to the terminal.
    • Manual:
  3. Restart zsh
    exec zsh

Older versions

See the v5 docs.